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2011 Nightclub & Bar Show / Tech Alert List / Snow, Snow Snow Sat & Sun

While things are still crazy up in Brian Head with an estimated $40 million plus in damages from all the water leaks, CH 3 has remained on the air.  Wed Tech Talk was dominated by “how many leaks did you have” talk.  I’d like to thank those that gave their input on the Nightclub show and the upcoming ACG medical conference.  More on ACG later, but keep in mind that we will be updating the “Altitude and you” segment as it applies to gastrointestinal altitude related complications.

Based upon viewer response here is the priority list for Scott and Richard at the Nightclub & Bar show just 16 days from now!

Dispensing and Measurement

As visitors who consume alcohol in Utah all to well know, Utah is a required measure and 1 oz pour state.  At least the mandatory private club membership is gone. The number one requested Tech Alert item for the Nightclub show is alcohol dispensing and measuring.  We will be meeting with AccuBar to explore existing technologies and what the future holds.  While most venues across the country use dispensing and measuring equipment to control costs and quality, licensed establishments throughout Utah use such equipment by State mandate.

Lighting and Music Control

Utah is not famous for BIG nightclubs like they have in  Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York.  However, current technology allows the small venue to look and sound big.  From DMX to on the fly MIDI mixing, the advance in automation for the DJ, VJ and sound/light technician is amazing.  We will be on the lookout for the latest and hottest technology for use in small venues and what the future holds as this area was voted as the number two Tech Alert area.  We will also be looking into the effect that the Texas Instrument new line of threaded par core digital processors will have on the music delivery industry (no this is NOT a rumor).

Responsible Drinking

It appears that everyone is in agreement that irresponsible drinking puts a negative stigma on “clubbing” and drinking in general.  In the past 8 years technology has met this challenge head on.  From self administered breathalyzers to ID scanners, the industry and the public are taking “responsible drinking” seriously.  While Aaron has reviewed and reported on the development of personal breathalyzers over the  years we will be on the look out for such technology that is automated and integrated as our number 3 Tech Alert focus.  We will be meeting with Revention discussing their POS system and their just released smart phone app for on line ordering at the Pizza Expo (March 1 through 3).  We will take this a step further at the Nightclub & Bar show when we explore the future integration of POS and patron ID tagging.   We will explore how this technology integrates with ID scanners.  We also hope to look at POS systems from the ground up such as 2touchpos and how automation has lead to efficiencies and the  positive “side affect” on responsible drinking.

In closing, it is going to be an awesome ski/boarding weekend with heavy snow on Saturday and Sunday.  Bundle up and take advantage of the Greatest Snow on Earth this weekend in Brian Head.  Find your Ch 3 team on the slopes and ask for your free “screaming monkey” with TV 3 bulls-eye (thanks Monster Graphics) .

by, Scott Kraft – Technology Producer – Tech Talk