Southern Utah’s Heritage Brand. Rugged Material.
Inspired by his family’s use of high-quality, centuries-old horse saddles, Tyler Condie set out to make a line of leather goods that could last a lifetime. Located in Cedar City, Rugged Material makes handmade materials such as messenger bags, daypacks, dufflebags, and more. These bags are designed to handle the demands of any hunter or outdoorsman and can last a lifetime if properly taken care of. After having built and sold a few successful prototype models, Rugged Material turned to Kickstarter to seek funding for a larger production run.
In only four days, Rugged Material hit its goal of $15,000, and after just two weeks, hit its larger, optional goal of $40,000. As of the writing of this article (June 5th), the total was just under $60,000 in funding.
Aside from a solid video and description of the products, part of the success of the campaign can probably be attributed to the fact that Rugged Material is essentially taking pre-orders for a (practically) already manufactured product. Whatever the source, or sources, of the campaign’s success, it is obvious that Condie has made a product that has resonated with plenty of people.
At the time of this article BHTV has has taken delivery of some of these products, Sports and recreation reporter Dallen Olcott and Sr. Photographer Tyler Lief will be doing a full review of the product line in late winter 2015 after using the gear in a real world tests this upcoming hunting and winter sports season.
You can still get a piece of the action by visiting their campaign here- https://www.kickstarter.
by, Tyler Lief Condie, Reporter/Photographer, Contributing Reporter, Dallen Olcott
Update: Richard Berk will be featuring this unique product during Senior Scope on June 11, 2014 at 7:00 pm