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World of Concrete 2011

As the team finishes up their CES coverage we are preparing for the World of Concrete show next week.  A few viewers called in on Monday Tech Talk and asked if coverage would be similar to CES.  The answer is yes and no.  We will not have the Skype live video feed, however we will have live photo posts to the Channel 3 website.  The news desk will also be taking live call requests and each reporter will take e-mail requests similar to CES.  It is going to be fun, and we are sorry we missed it last year.

Tech Talk on Monday the 17th will be the LAST (and best) time to call in and ask Scott or Richard what you want covered.  Go check out the vendors at and let us know what you want the team to cover.  The SeniorScope team will NOT be reporting on site, as they are off to Los Angeles.  However, Ron (WWR) is scheduled to make an appearance and will do a live segment that will be picked up by SeniorScope later in the month.

Note: There will be NO affiliate coverage this year, so you will ONLY see what the team sees.

by, Scott Kraft, Tech Producer (Tech Talk Host)

World of Concrete 2011
World of Concrete 2011