and Digital Signage Show Kiosks and Signage is SEXY also!
Join us on TechTalk tomorrow (4/19/10)
The moment I walked into this huge show I realized that that world of
tomorrow is here today. Lingerie and Sex sells to women. These huge
kiosks and digital signage shall sell to men. The Kiosks are as
varied as the signs and provide options that were impossible just a
few years ago. They have come a long way from the now simple bank
kiosk that takes your deposit, gives out money, or provides financial
information. They range from public terminal systems, wall mount
systems or free standing kiosk. The displays range from simple menus,
with prices and options that can be ordered and paid for at the kiosk
to those that show products in 3 D. They range in size from very
small that fit in a car, to those that a football fan would fully
appreciate! In between are the ones in sizes we are familiar with, to
those that are hand held. Coupled with the broad range of signs that
can do things we have never dreamed of, and entice you into purchased
you had not thought of making —- that is the new world.
On the technical side are innovations that range from signs that can
be clearly read in broad daylight with bright sun shining directly on
them, to viewing a broad range of products in all colors and shapes.
There are communication kiosks that can connect you to the world while
billing your credit card; there are kiosks that can provide
directions, buttons that will print them out, telephone connections,
plus lists of restaurants and hotels that you can stay at. At the
same kiosk you can connect with them, book and pay for your room, your
food, and gosh knows what else.
For the Senior this is the Brave New World that Aldeus Huxley talked
about (well, maybe not exactly). Whether the Senior, and I am one of
them at age 78, can adapt to this world shall be a challenge to the
makers of the kiosks and signs as well as to us. Many of us have
learned to work the cell phones, the computers, and pushing 1 for this
or 2 for that. Many have problems with the small buttons and long for
the early days of a simpler life. It shall be a challenge to bridge
that gap. While my Aunt was alive, she went to the bank at least once
a week to make sure her money was still there. She did not trust the
phone service, nor would she have trusted the computer.
The sign makers shall have to learn to make signs easy to read if they
wish to attract the Senior group. The kiosk makers shall have to make
them safe to use if they wish us there. It was intriguing to see all
the wonderful new innovations at the two shows. It was great to
realize what great leaps we have made. But how can I order easily a
pizza with cheese and pepperoni without all those confusing buttons?
The shows were extremely well organized. The staffs working the floor
were generally quite knowledgeable and competent. I cheerfully walked
past the innards of all the kiosks and signage as, in the words of
President Obama, this was above my pay grade.
Over lunch, which was excellent, we had a chance to chat with some
bright people from the companies displaying on the floor. There was
also the temptation to try and borrow one of the 90” or bigger screens
and bring it home, not to display the advertising but to watch my
North Carolina basketball team.
The people attending this convention came from a broad section of
industry: from the big Casino/Hotels in Las Vegas to representatives
from Kodak and other large businesses. It was an awesome experience
and one that was totally enjoyed — if a bit frightening!
John Lustig, Sr. Reporter
Join us on TechTalk tomorrow (4/19/10) for more on the Kiosk and Digital Signage Show.