World of Concrete 2023
It is that time of the year again, and the World of Concrete show is coming up in two weeks. With our audience’s growing appetite for construction related topics we will have a full crew at WOC 2023. Many of the subjects we will covered at CONEXPO this year will also be explored at WOC.
World of Concrete is every year and concentrates on the specifics of Concrete.
We will not have the Skype live video feed, however we will have live photo posts to the Channel 3 website as well as Zoom active during the regular Tech Talk segment. The news desk will also be taking live call requests and each reporter will take e-mail requests similar to how we will do it for CONEXPO. It is going to be fun.
Note: There will be affiliate coverage this year with Brian Head Local Channel 8 to share feeds.
by, Scott Kraft, Tech Producer (Tech Talk Host)